Rural Industry Solutions

Hunt Partners has 25 years experience in providing comprehensive solutions for:

  • Rural Businesses
  • Private Interest Groups
  • Industry Bodies

We specialise in advocacy, lobbying and industry reform on behalf of our clients and have a reputation for achieving major restructures of industry bodies, regulatory frameworks and international trade arrangements.

Successful projects include:

Reform of Meat Industry Statutory Authorities


Obtaining an enquiry into the operation of the NSW Statutory Industry Authority of NSW, leading to the dissolution of the Authority.


Lobbying of the Federal Government to dismantle three Statutory Authorities (MIC, ALMC, MRC) and,

Establishment of three replacement incorporated companies (MLA, AMPC and Livecorp), saving the red meat industry $40M per year in processor statutory levies.

Drafting the Memorandum of Understanding between the Commonwealth Government and the Red Meat Industry Organizations, setting out the terms of the proposed meat industry reforms.

Sitting on Joint Meat Processor Industry Committee to assist in the establishment of the Australian Meat Processor Corporation Ltd (AMPC) and Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd (MLA).

Sitting on the selection Committee for the AMPC’s initial board members.

Drafting the AMPC constitution and Information Memorandum. Assisting in the drafting of the Constitution of Ausmeat.


Submission to the Task Force for the White Paper on Agricultural Competitiveness

Detailed Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Grass Fed Cattle Levy

Providing Expert Evidence at a Public Hearing for the Senate Inquiry into the Grass Fed Cattle Levy

Conducting questionnaires and data analysis for submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Grass Fed Cattle Levy

Reform of Wool Industry Statutory Authorities


Submissions and presentations to Wool Industry Future Directions Task Force on behalf of the Australian Woolgrowers Association.

Submissions relating to the privatization of the Woolmark Company on behalf of Wool Industry Future Directions Task Force. 

Market Access


Submissions to the Commonwealth of Australia Senate Rural & Regional Affairs Transport Legislation Committee regarding the Hilton High Quality Beef EU Quota Allocation System.


Reports for the Federal Minister for AFFA on EU Beef and Sheepmeat Quota Allocations.


Incorporating the federally funded Inland Marketing Corporation Ltd (IMC) on behalf of four Shire Councils in Central Western NSW.


Submission to the Commonwealth of Australia Senate Rural and Regional Affairs & Transport Committee enquiry into the Australian meat industry consultative structure and US Beef Quota Allocation System.


Appearances before the Commonwealth of Australia Senate Rural and Regional Affairs Committee Hearings of introduction of a US Beef Quota Allocation System and Meat Industry Consultative Structure.


Submissions to the Quota Management Review Panel on US Beef and EU HQB Quota Allocation and evaluation of alternative market driven system for allocating the US Beef Quota.


Detailed submissions to the Quota Management Review Panel on US Beef and EU HQB quotas on behalf of the free trade group.

Beef Grading/Truth in Labeling


Appointment to the NSW Safe Food Truth in Labeling Cow Beef Working Group by NSW Agriculture Minister Amery.

Presentation of Hunt Partners Safe Food Report on Truth in Labeling to the NSW Agriculture Minister Amery.


Appointment to the Beef Grading/Truth in Labeling forum and the Red Meat Advisory Council Ltd (RMAC) Legislative Task Force on Truth in Labeling.


Consultation with all State Agricultural & Primary Industries Ministers and FSANZ to produce a report for RMAC into the legislative underpinnings of beef grading.


Submission and reports underpinning the introduction of a Beef Grading legislative bill into the NSW Parliament.

Joint Ventures


Feasibility study to erect a major Feedlot in Central West NSW on behalf of a consortium comprising Australia’s leading meat exporters

Review of AQIS Services


Appointed to joint industry, Government and AQIS group to review efficiency of AQIS meat inspection services.


Ian McLachlan, Chairman of the Wool Industry Task Force:

"The Task Force has received approximately 630 submissions, 629 of those submissions dealt with the problems in the industry. Hunt Partners’ submission was the only submission that provided solutions."

Mc Michael McNamara, Chief Liaison Officer for the Minister for Primary Industries and Energy:

"The Creation of the Australian Meat Processor Corporation and the replacement of statutory levies with reduced contractual contributions, would never have occurred without Hunt Partners’ involvement."

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